
Surfers Against Sewage

For our first case study we’re going to run through all of the core development which we’ve undertaken for Surfers Against Sewage. Now their existing website is in it’s final months now they’re getting a new website built by a 3rd party agency we felt we’d mark the end of this development cycle with a look back at all of the development that has been done over the years. Highlighting some of the key components along with the impact of some of this development work has had on their campaigns.

Donation System

We developed a bespoke Donation System for SAS which has had a couple of styling iterations over the years as well as extended logic. This had API integration with Campaign Monitor as well as Direct Debit service providers as well export facilities to export donation data, be it direct debit or one-off donations. The one-off donations would integrate into WooCommerce as well. This also got extended to be able to launch donation campaigns which again when being used in unison with the petition system was a very powerful tool.

Petition System

We also built a petition system for SAS which again evolved a fair amount from when it was first developed some years ago. The first campaign which was launched after this was developed which had direct integration with their donation system earned over £400,000 in donations. Their petition campaigns continued to save a huge impact per campaign.

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